Targeted Sims will also receive custom moodlets.ĭiscuss About First Christmas interaction will only appear if you are in the winter season. The Sim will be able to get different moodlets when talking about their baby with another Sims, and some interactions may have various moodlets, for example if you are talking about going back to work or Promote Breastfeeding. Once the baby is born the menu will be fully functional for your Sim. Your Sim will get the hidden trait Better Babies & Toddlers. If your family has a baby you must click on another Sim on the interaction called Talk About Babies in the Better Babies menu. I hope that with this mod you will have much more fun with babies and toddlers. I find the features in game related to parents and children really poor and that?s what motivated me to make mods to improve little Sims in the game. I find it a little disheartening if the Toddler constantly tended to grows up no differently then the ones who basic needs were barley looked at.Hi Here is the First release of my mod for Better babies and toddlers. Overall I would like the adults to have an option to discipline bad behavior, reward good AND overall have that parent/toddler relationship affect the kind of kid they grow into. “Fussy” or “Clingy” Toddler Would react differently than “Wild” or “Silly” ones. Because I was also thinking it would be nice if they added a set of comfort/special toys/items Teddy Bear, Stuffed animal, Toy, Blanket, Pacifier. I actualy Love the idea of "Take away toy" as an option.

“Time out" would be great 97% of the times discipline is needed, But with a toddler in a highchair who NEEDS to eat Now I think that "Take toy away" would be better. For example scolding when they first start to play in the food SHOULD have at least a chance of STOPPING them from dumping their food in the first place. Oh and NOT expect the Adult to APOLOGIZE to the toddler after disciplining them! (Particularly when some toddlers YELL back and even hit The grown up or other kids) They could at least improve Scolding and remove it from the ANGRY menu. Lecture on Misbehavior also does nothing. “Yell at” Well this obvious is not going to help. The only options we current have are under Anger or mean in adult reactions. Allowing the toddler to misbehave/refuse food to the point I was getting a warning shed be taken away because of hunger. I had a toddler do this as well and find it ridiculous my Adult sim can DO NOTHING useful to change the behavior. OMG! I completely agree! I was so hoping that Sims 4 might actually include a USEFUL discipline option.